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  • Writer's pictureAly Sprout

Welcome to My Blog! An Introduction


I'm Aly and here on the interwebs, I go by Aly Sprout. I'm a cosplayer, makeup enthusiast, and partial weeb.

I have a tendency to scratch my brain until I bleed creative juices and produce a project that is (sometimes) half completed. There are so many incomplete projects that have overrun my room and storage that I have debated on letting see the light of day once again.

Cosplay is the main hobby that I spend almost all my time on. There are so many different aspects that make it an amazing hobby to learn a variety of skills. Throughout the small number of years, I have gained a significant amount of experience from attempting, failing, and succeeding in trying to figure out how things work.

Before I decided to completely throw myself into the deep dark depths of cosplay, I spent two years researching various methods and studying tutorials and build time-lapses to understand as much I could. Was it necessary? Definitely not, but I learned, grew, and it helped in the beginning. Since then the amount of resources for beginner cosplayers to learn from has grown tenfold.

It's mindblowing to see the ever-growing options there are for crafting, purchasing materials, and costumes, that the overall availability and accessibility have improved to allow more people to cosplay. Over time some crafting methods have phased out as new materials and techniques have taken their places. In five years, who knows what new techniques and products will be available for cosplayers.

The only thing that hasn't changed is "How do I start cosplaying?"

In the beginning, cosplaying can be incredibly overwhelming, especially now with all the resources available online, in-stores, and by word of mouth within this huge community. It can be difficult to know where to start.

Hopefully, this blog can help.

My intention of starting this blog is to compile resources for not only the new but also the current cosplayers to hopefully learn something about this amazing hobby that they can apply to their next cosplay. There are a few topics I plan to discuss and several helpful resources to provide that some people may not have heard about yet.

Occasionally I'll also add free cosplay patterns and template (find these in the freebies page).

Bookmark my page or subscribe to stay informed on my upcoming posts!

Some non-cosplay related topics I also want to cover are anime-related, makeup, and DIYs.

Thank you for sticking around my boring introduction post!


Here are some platforms you can find me on:

Instagram (most active!)

Twitter (New! I'm still getting the hang of this one)

Twitch (someday I'll get this started)


Etsy (cosplay patterns, props, and accessories)

Depop (shop my closet and handmade goods)

Fiverr (for other various freelance requests)

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